Canceled Avatar Mobile Game: Concept Sketches

Concept sketches from Jam City's canceled Avatar mobile game. It was a fun challenge to interpret the film's aesthetic into a chunky casual mobile game art style!

Level design inspiration showing interactable objects with cause and effect to facilitate exploration.

Level design inspiration showing interactable objects with cause and effect to facilitate exploration.

Initial explorations for the Na'vi Hunter's Hut building. Some neat ideas here, but I needed to add more "lived-in" details and push asymmetry.

Initial explorations for the Na'vi Hunter's Hut building. Some neat ideas here, but I needed to add more "lived-in" details and push asymmetry.

Feedback from Disney and Lightstorm was that these were too "Flintstones;" Na'vi architecture should be more refined and elegant. I got to see some concept art from Avatar 2 after this stage, which was extremely helpful going forward!

Feedback from Disney and Lightstorm was that these were too "Flintstones;" Na'vi architecture should be more refined and elegant. I got to see some concept art from Avatar 2 after this stage, which was extremely helpful going forward!

Refined version of the selected concept, including construction stages as the player upgrades their building. I added a bit of color to delinate different materials (grass/dirt/cloth/etc) but still let the linework do the heavy lifting.

Refined version of the selected concept, including construction stages as the player upgrades their building. I added a bit of color to delinate different materials (grass/dirt/cloth/etc) but still let the linework do the heavy lifting.

Concepts for Scorpion Gunship wreckage. First, the player would clear the overgrowth, then upgrade the wreckage into a Na'vi structure.

Concepts for Scorpion Gunship wreckage. First, the player would clear the overgrowth, then upgrade the wreckage into a Na'vi structure.